Monday, May 18, 2015

100 Word Challenge! #33

100WC! #33!

It was a lovely day to bounce on the trampoline. But the ferocious wind was too much for me. I was lifted violently into the air, and pulled by the fierce grip of the storm horses, pulling me in every direction they could. I resisted. I was now free. I slowly and nervously put my hands out in a Superman pose. But, I wasn't looking where I was going. I was coming in fast to ‘Shar’s Cliff’ The cliff-face loomed over me like a tidal wave, and just before it hit, I woke up. It was all just a dream.


  1. Like that image, 'like a tidal wave' - great use of a simile. Thankfully all just a dream! Great ending. Can you comment on other 100WC posts? :)

  2. Lynda (Team 100WC) from HartlepoolMay 25, 2015 at 10:24 PM

    Lovely writing. There are some great phrases in there - 'pulled by the fierce grip of the storm horses', 'the cliff face loomed over me like a tidal wave' - very confident and mature use of words. Very well done for submitting such a great entry on the 100 Word Challenge.

    1. Thank-you very much Lynda! Your feedback is very appreciated. I make sure I am really thinking about what sort of descriptive language I want too use.

      Thanks again,


  3. Asher this is a great piece of writing. Your descriptive language is incredible. I love how you craft your work. You have used short and long sentences effectively in this piece.

  4. Brilliant description Asher. You make the image come alive with the words you have chosen. Keep up the good work.


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